Zombies doomed my neighbors
Zombies doomed my neighbors

Quote from CzI posted a decklist with a joke title and nothing else. Its near impossible for me to keep the Maniac out of play due to how the deck works. The Laboratory Manic is an additional Win Con in combination with Phyrexian Reclamation, and Disciple of Bolas.

zombies doomed my neighbors

Shadowborn demands sacrifices and zombies are more then happy to sac themselves for the greater good.ĭisciple of Bolas and Bloodthrone are great in combination with zombies as I can sac multiple times to Bloodthrone, then swing with a giant creature, then sac it to Disciple to gain a ton of life and draw a ton of cards. Gringrin is able to munch down on zombies to get huge and untap. Shadowborn, Disciple of Bolas and Gringrin are all 1 of extra power house creatures that help the gameplan. All the while causing life loss to my opponents with Diregraf Captains, and Gnawing Zombie. I'm able to continually reanimate my creatures without the life loss from Phyrexian Reclamation. With Dissipation Field, Spot removal, and Recurring Zombies. Overall the deck list is designed to make people unwilling to attack us. Kilgr20's Deck Magic Online OCTGN2 Apprentice Buy These Cards

Zombies doomed my neighbors